Kerstin Schoen – CEO, lead practitioner, teacher
Kerstin Schoen is a practitioner, teacher, and facilitator in energy healing with over 15 years of experience in the field. She currently serves as the president, business owner, lead practitioner, and teacher for Reconnective Therapy (RCT), the innovative energy-oriented healing modality founded by Herwig Schoen.
Born and educated in Austria, she attended the Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Austria, and completed her Master’s degree in Counseling at the University of New Mexico. Her studies focused on the conscious creation and alignment of core values including lifestyles, health, and goal-oriented internal work. She is experienced in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, spiritual counseling, and crisis intervention, especially with children, adolescents, and family units, and is trained in mediation.
In 1997 she started her in-depth training in energy medicine in Europe. In 2004 she began her training in RCT and started work as a Child Life Specialist at the Presbyterian Hospital in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which taught her to bridge the physical and metaphysical worlds to serve people in crisis. In 2008 she started working as an RCT Practitioner and has facilitated healing throughout the world through the use of energy. She served as RCT’s executive vice-president and, in 2014, she created and headed up an extensive applied program to train practitioners in RCT in various countries. She also teaches Internal Practice at speaking engagements and in group work.
Her passion lies in supporting and educating others about the possibilities that lie within each person so that they can manifest their highest potential — physically, emotionally, and mentally. Although Kerstin is an experienced healing arts practitioner, she is not a physician, psychotherapist, or other licensed health care provider in the United States. She is now based in Langley, Washington, in the United States.

Anne Priest – practitioner
Anne Priest has been studying energy work for over 20 years. She has taken multiple alternative healing courses, and began her training and work in ReConnective Therapy in 2015.
She enjoys exploring how the unseen forces in life affect our perceived life experience on every level, including the physical. It is her joy to walk with her clients into this exploration through ReConnective Therapy.
She works as a family physician as well. However, her work with ReConnective Therapy is strictly within the energy aspect of her training.

Kurt Dirkorte – practitioner – contact for Europe
Kurt Dirkorte, born in Munich, Germany, is a licensed healing practitioner and since 1989 has practiced traditional Natural Medicine, Osteopathy and Systemic Family-Constellation and -Counseling. He has experience with Meditation, Taiji and QiGong as well as different methods of Psychotherapy.
In 2008 he started training in ReConnective Therapy. Since 2010 he is a certified RCT-Practitioner.
Kurt lives with his wife near a lake in southern Bavaria – Germany.

Karin Dirkorte – practitioner – contact for Europe
Karin Dirkorte, born in Heidelberg, Germany, has been a licensed healing practitioner since 1998. The focus of her practice is Psychotherapy and Systemic Family Counseling. She is trained in various methods of humanistic psychotherapy (since 1989) and family therapy (since 1998).
2008 she started training in ReConnective Therapy. Since 2010 she is certified RCT-Practitioner.
She has longtime experience in meditation. Her interest has always been the movement of the spirit.
Karin lives with her husband near a lake in southern Bavaria – Germany.

Dorothea Dirkorte – practitioner – contact for Europe
Dorothea Dirkorte was born in Murnau am Staffelsee. She successfully completed her education as a licensed kindergarten teacher in 2012 and has been assisting handicapped people since then.
Dorothea first experienced ReConnective Therapy in 2008. Ever since then her life has been enriched by RCT Sessions, Conscious Work, and Internal Practices. In 2018 she began her training as a ReConnective Therapy Practitioner and wishes to serve humans and animals in their healing process.
It gives her great pleasure to be walking the path of transformation.

Silke Maier – practitioner – contact for France
In 1986 she moved to Paris/ France where she worked several years as a dancer in contemporary dance and dance theatre performances.
She started to teach dance, movement and body work in 1991 and specialised in somatic education as a Feldenkrais practitioner in 1996, where she later obtained her Master (2004).
Since 2005 she is studying ReConnectiveTherapy and works intensively with this method.

TraceyJoy Miller – office manager
TraceyJoy Miller was born and raised in rural Wisconsin. Her healing practice draws on the tools of a method called “Ethics Based Spiritual Healing”, CranioSacral Therapy, The Wallace Method, and Sat Nam Rasayan.
She was introduced to ReConnective Therapy as a client in 2006 and began training as a practitioner in 2009.
TraceyJoy is also an Interplay movement and improvisation leader. She and her cat Simon reside on South Whidbey Island, enjoying the rural lifestyle and progressive community.